"Thank-you for the reading, Kendra. You are truly amazing! I have had many readings with others over the years & none can even start to compare to my experience with you & your guides. You tapped right into where I currently was in creating my life, zeroed in on what blocks from the past were holding me back & gave me insight as to the possibilites that are coming in the futre. As I write this, it is one month since our reading. I was reviewing my notes & was astonished at how things that you talked about had shown up especially the ones that didn't make sense to me during the reading. I can hardly wait to see what else unfolds as time goes by. Looking forward to our next reading! Grateful for YOU, your talents & capacities."
P.S, Canada
"I am so grateful for Kendra. I have received both hands-on sessions from her as well as many phone readings. She continues to amaze me with her willingness to share what she knows without filters. It is truly a breath of fresh air. She is my "go to" for information and growth. Thank you again girl!"
A.O, Canada
" I love my Bars sessions with Kendra. She gives off the most calming energy which makes me feel 100% comfortable when she is working on me. When my session is finished I get an overall feeling of calmness and just general happiness. The feeling is addicting!! I am also a Massage Therapist and love that Kendra uses my room for treatments on my clients. Access Bars compliments my bussiness and is a great treatment for achieving overall health. LOVE LOVE IT."
Jenna Parker RMT, SK
"My six year old daughter was struggling with some behavior issues and it was starting to affect her in school. I reached out to Kendra when someone mentioned online how helpful the bars treatment was for their child. Although I really didn't know much about the treatment, Kendra made me feel totally comfortable talking about my daughter and what I was looking to get out of it. We noticed a big change right after the first treatment, no more notes home from school! My daughter was also very comfortable talking with Kendra and surprisingly was very relaxed during the bars treatment. We continue to get together with Kendra from time to time to get further treatments to help my daughter relax and clear out pent up emotions. I would highly recommend meeting with Kendra to work out anything that may be troubling you or your child. She has a very warm heart and is really able to tap into a person's spirit! She provided a lot of insights into what my little girl was feeling and I am super thankful for that!"
K.L, White City
"To experience a reading with Kendra, Psychic/Medium is an experience you won't forget. I have known Kendra my whole life and have always known that she was an amazing soul so I was not really surprised when I heard she was a medium. To be honest though, I was very sceptical, not about her abilities but about the entire spirit world in general. I contacted Kendra to "see what she was about". Her outgoing personality, friendliness, compassion and putting you at ease when she talks to you brings you peace of mind during the reading. Her readings are accurate and many times you'll wonder how she knew that, but you will soon come to realize it’s because she works closely with the angels and guides. Her accuracy brought me to tears several times throughout the reading. You might not like to hear sometimes, as to what is going on but she doesn’t hold back in what she is to give you. She also makes you think of the situation as well. We have our own “free will” in the decisions we make but listen to what she has to say and know that she wouldn’t give you the information unless she was guided to. The experience I gained from my reading with Kendra was unlike any other I have ever experienced. If you are curious, looking for guidance or direction, I highly recommend a full life path reading from her."
Chantal Otitoju, Regina
"My experience with Kendra was wonderful. She is a very open-minded, honest and trustworthy person. I enjoy watching everything unfold, as I look back at my notes from the reading I had with her. Spiritually she has opened my eyes to a whole new world. She has strengthened my beliefs and reminded me to focus on the positive aspects of difficult situations. Kendra has given me great guidance for my journey and opened doors that I never thought possible. She helped me recognize the fears and negative emotions I was suppressing and gave me advice on how to deal with them. I enjoyed every minute of my reading with Kendra and can't wait to have another!"
B.S., Saskatchewan
"I really enjoyed working with Kendra in the Life Path Reading. It hightlighted things I was already aware of, as well as brought to light some things I had not acknowledged. It really gave me a lot of encouragement to keep choosing and taking actions toward the life I truly desire. Kendra was totally open, curious, respectful, and encouraging throughout. Just what I needed. I loved it so much, I signed my husband up for a session. :) "
R.G., Oregon
"My experience with Kendra was a true life changing and eye opening experience. The peace and calm I felt aftger her reading was a true sense of well being. I felt my life and my energy becoming more organized and more in MY control. She identified the negative people in my life and helped me to understand why they are as they are and helped me to be more compassionate. She also helped me to cut the cords that were attached to those negative people in my life so I could live more freely. I do believe Kendra openedd up my eyes to a whole new world of love and support that will forever surround me. I got to ask questions and get the answeres I so desperately needed to hear. I looke forward to speaking with Kendra again in the future! And can'g wait to see myself in the next few months as all the good starts to unforl. Thank you for the help and support my friend!"
Jennifer O.
Lethbridge, Alberta
"I just finished my phone reading with Kendra and I am amazed! She did a full life path reading for me and I am so excited to get going to achieve my life purpose now! This was my first reading by a medium and I couldn't be happier with the guidance Kendra gave me. I decided to seek out her help when I felt stuck in a few major decisions in my life. Not only did she provide me with guidance, she helped me to see how I could go about getting there! Kendra was great at explaining anything I didn't understand along the way too! Thank you Kendra!"
J.E. Lethbridge, Alberta
"Thank you so much Kendra for the amazing reading you did for me you were so spot on with so many things that I needed to hear."
Erika Beal DeWitt, USA